
Year 2

Miss Philp


Mrs Baron

Teaching Assistant

Miss Stapleton

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Pendower Class



Miss Philp (Teacher)

Mrs Baron (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Stapleton (Teaching Assistant)

Welcome to Pendower Class. We are really excited to continue your child’s learning journey into Year 2 and are looking forward to a productive year and hope you are too.
Miss Philp will be teaching on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Robins will be teaching on a Friday (but will also be in school on a Wednesday & Thursday). Mrs Baron and Miss Stapleton will are our full time teaching assistants.
The classroom door will open at 8:30am and close at 8:45am. The door will open at the end of the day at 3:15pm.


The curriculum

The children will continue with their learning in the same structure as they did in Year 1. Phonics, Maths and English will be taught in the morning with the wider curriculum taught in the afternoon. We will use Read Write Inc for our phonics sessions to begin with and  will then move onto VIPERS for our reading sessions. In Year 2, we will be teaching the children to use a cursive handwriting style which will support them when they begin to join their writing.



We will continue to assess your child’s reading so appropriate books are being sent home. Please support your child’s development as a reader by listening to them read at least 4 times a week. The children will need to bring their reading books and reading records into school each day so their school reading can be recorded. Children who complete their 4 reads each week will be given a positivity point and one child will be chosen to take home our reading bear Ronnie. Your child will be sent home with 2 books which they will be able to read and decode themselves. They will also come home with a library book which is a book that can be shared together and which your child will not necessarily be able to read.



Children will be sent home with spellings for the half term. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday and we encourage children to practice their spellings at home as much as possible.



P.E will be on a Monday and Thursday. Your child can wear appropriate P.E kit to school on these days.



We will still use Tapestry as a form of communication and will continue to upload observations which celebrate the children’s learning and achievements.



Please ensure children’s water bottles, packed lunches, coats and school uniforms are clearly labelled with their names. Show and Tell will happen on a Friday afternoon and your child will be informed if they are on the list for the week. Please ensure toys are not brought to school at any other time.



Lunches will need to be pre-booked onto ParentPay – children that do not have a lunch booked will be offered the pasta option. Free fruit will be offered to children at break time but children are able to bring in their own healthy snack if they prefer.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us at the door or if you prefer, we can arrange a meeting at an appropriate time.


Many thanks

Miss Philp 

Summer Term 2024
Our topic this term is based on comparing Sri Lanka and Charlestown. We will be linking this with learning about Charles Rashleigh.
We will be exploring the question 'Where will your story take you?'
Please see our curriculum newsletter to see what we will be learning this term.

Treverbyn Academy
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