
Reception Class

Mrs Kearton

Reception Class Teacher

Mrs Woodhead

Teaching Assistant

Miss Simpson

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Menabilly Class



Mrs. Kearton(Teacher) 

Mrs O'Mahony (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Simpson (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Small (Teaching Assistant)


We hope you are all looking forward to a happy and productive year where your children develop as happy and independent learners.

The children start their day between 8.30am-8.45am and end their day at 3.15pm so please ensure they are dropped off and collected at these times . 


Learning through play

The children will learn through a combination of short whole class adult-led sessions, small group sessions and most importantly, play. The play-based activities are carefully thought out to support their development and learning, promoting independence, curiosity and co-operation. 



 We are passionate about reading at Treverbyn. The children learn the important skills needed to read when they are in school, but becoming a reader takes a lot of practise. Please support your child's development as a reader by listening to them read at least 4 times a week. Please write in their reading diaries when they have read at home. The children will need to bring their reading books and diaries into school each day for further reading and monitoring. This is vital to children’s progress in reading so please support us and your child with this area.


This will be an important form of communication, where we share observations of your child’s learning and keep you informed of important information. We would love it if you could log on regularly and let us know about your child’s development at home 

Free fruit and milk will be given daily as the children’s morning snack. 


Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school every day. Most parents choose to leave it on their child’s coat peg, it will then be sent home at the end of every half term. It is important that all P.E clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name, including trainers/plimsolls.

Please also ensure that water bottles, packed lunch boxes, coats and school uniform are also clearly labelled.


Welly boots 

Please provide a pair of wellington boots (which stay at school) for your child so they can access the curriculum in the outside area in wet weather. Please write your child’s name clearly on these.

Good hygiene will play a big role in your child’s day at school. Regular hand washing, rotation of resources and sanitising of resources will be part of our daily routine in Menabilly Class to ensure that children are safe at school.



Please keep an eye on Tapestry, the school Facebook page and the website for regular updates and news.

Treverbyn Academy
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