

The Early Years Foundation Stage at Treverbyn Academy

Parent Information

The Early Years Foundation Stage (often called the EYFS) is a crucial part of a child’s education. The children in Reception class are in the final year of the EYFS and their days consist of play-based learning and practical activities both indoors and outdoors. Our Reception curriculum is designed to allow all pupils to develop their independent learning skills enabling them to grow into happy, confident students who are ready to start the next stage of their learning journey in Key Stage 1.

At Treverbyn Academy we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to plan learning opportunities in the following areas:

The Characteristics of Effective Learning, as laid out in the EYFS curriculum are relevant to all areas of learning and are promoted throughout the school day.

Playing and exploring – engagement
  •        Finding out and exploring
  •        Playing with what they know
  •        Being willing to ‘have a go’


Active learning – motivation
  •        Being involved and concentrating
  •        Keeping trying
  •        Enjoying achieving what they set out to do


Creating and thinking critically – thinking
  •        Having their own ideas
  •        Making links
  •        Choosing ways to do things



The children in Reception class are working towards the Early Learning Goals in the seven areas of learning of the EYFS curriculum. Our Reception class team will discuss with you how your child is progressing towards these throughout the year.  By the end of the year, our aim is that our Reception children are confident doing the following:

  •   Reading and writing full sentences;
  •   Working confidently with numbers up to 20;
  •   Forming friendships and working as a team;
  •   Managing their own feelings and behaviour;
  •   Knowing how to stay safe and healthy at school and at home;
  •   Experiencing activities and events that are new to them.

You can read more about the Early Years curriculum here:

Transition to Reception Class


We aim to make every child’s transition to school as smooth as possible. Prior to starting at Treverbyn Academy: 


  •        All children are invited to spend sessions in their new classroom during the Summer term, this includes staying for lunch.
  •        We hold a parents’ welcome meeting during the first half of the Summer term, where there is the opportunity to meet the parents of other new starters, the Reception class teacher, the EYFS Leader and the Headteacher.
  •        The Reception class teacher will visit each child in their current setting (if relevant) and meet with their key person.


Many of our children come from Treverbyn Trailblazers nursery, with whom we have very strong links:


  •        The current Reception class watch the nursery sports day during the Summer term.
  •        The Reception teacher, EYFS Leader and Headteacher are invited to the children’s nursery graduation celebration.
  •        The Reception staff make several visits to Trailblazers to read stories and join the children in their play during the Summer term.


Transition to Year 1


Before moving to Year 1, children make visits to their new classroom and meet their new teacher. There are shared experiences between Reception and Year 1 throughout the year, such as educational visits and the Christmas production. There is close communication between the Reception and Year 1 teachers throughout the year and each child is discussed in detail during the Summer term, to ensure that there is a smooth progression into Year One.

Home School Links

A member of the Reception class team will always greet the children at the door so that parents can pass on any important information relevant that day. More in-depth conversations are encouraged but are more productive when arranged through the office for a mutually convenient time outside of the school day.

Throughout the year we compile a Learning Journey for each child, which contains observations and comments about each child’s progress. We use a secure online tool called Tapestry to do this and each child’s Learning Journey is available for parents to view and contribute to. 


In Reception it is essential that the children read regularly to help them become independent readers. Five to ten minutes a day reading to an adult at home will support the learning your child is doing in school. We ask that you jot down any home reading you do in your child’s reading record book and make sure that this comes into school every day. 

Learning to Read


At Treverbyn Academy, children are taught to read through a phonics programme called ‘Read Write Inc’, which they access daily. They are taught several sounds a week and learn how to read and write words containing these sounds. Find out more about ‘Read Write Inc’ here:

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